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COVID-19 From a 10 Year Old

I asked my daughter if she would like to write about how she feels about our current situation (her Point of View) and here is her response:

POV of COVID-19 From a 10-Year-old

By Lana Blood

If you are ten years old, I bet you can relate to what I am about to say.

As a ten-year-old, you are meant to go outside and play, go on adventures in the beautiful outdoors, but for us that story is a little different. You’d love to go out with your mom or dad, go shopping, play soccer, go on a trip; Whenever you hear the word outside you jump for joy and hold that feeling just long enough to get your hopes up, and then you realize, it’s April 2020, COVID-19 has taken over my life, whoops, I forgot. Then you just go back to what you were originally doing.

Here are the pros, and cons of this little (big) situation about COVID-19.

Pros- Some people get an early summer or spring break; you don’t have to get up and do work!

Cons- You cannot go outside, you have online work, and it is much harder to do with someone else because you haven’t learned the stuff, and you are so used to your teacher’s helping had.

Even if you went outside you would have to be wearing COVID-19 proof armor!! (hazmat suit/gas mask) It is like the next WW3.

Another random con: If you are younger than a ten-year-old, it might be even harder for you! You’d love to play games with your parents, but they have work too believe it or not. They have to sit on that darned computer for HOURS. Then by that time you don’t even want to play a game anymore and accept your fate that you just might as well play with a rubix cube alone all day.

If you are older than a ten-year-old, it might be easier for you due to this great (bad) phenomenon. You would be used to being independent by now, so you just think it is some good time away from your parents!

Thank you for reading what I thought the POV would be like from a ten-year-old about the coronavirus. (COVID-19)

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