google-site-verification=ay5RL-eDq57rEMK20luZWY_lNmrZNwHxIU6UKo5MvHw He said what?
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He said what?

In an effort to lift spirits and bring a smile, I am wondering if you can remember something you said to a student or a student said to you that made you think, "I need to write this one down."

The first one that comes to mind is from long ago when I taught Pre-K. We were learning about transportation and I asked the students how we get from one place to another. One little girl replied, "pixie dust". What do you say to that? I smiled and have no idea what I said as a response. I am not even sure now what I might say.

The other moment that I cannot forget was a picture day from long ago. For some reason, my kindergarten's picture time was in the afternoon after lunch and recess. As you can imagine, this was not our best time of day. We were walking down the hall to our classroom after recess and all of the students were hot and sweaty. I knew that we needed to cool off some before we went to get our picture taken. I told the students, "Don't worry. We can go in and watch a peep show on the big screen and cool off." What I should have said was, "Don't worry. We can go in and watch Peep and the Big Wide World on the big screen while we cool off." I never got any calls or emails from parents, but I will never forget that moment. I have always told parents, "I will believe half of what I hear if you believe half of what you hear." Some children come in with some interesting stories...

That being said, what is your favorite funny moment with your students and/or your children? If you are a parent, there are many to choose from I bet. Please share and bring a smile to others!

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