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2018-Time for a New Routine?

If you type “teacher New Year’s resolutions” into an online search engine, you will get plenty of hits. Some are funny, some make you think, and you know some are not going to happen no matter how good they sound.

After a much needed rest, many of us decide it is time to focus and get down to business. We have a break from holidays for awhile and we might be stuck inside anyway because of the weather. (Of course, what teacher doesn’t wish for the occasional snow day?)

This time reminds me of when we started in the fall, except we know who our students are and the difficulties we face when we return. As we enter 2018, we bring with it the same educational challenges as the past year: discipline, security, bullying, student attitudes, equity, poverty, family involvement, teacher retention, classroom size, common core state standards, testing, professional pay, and the list goes on.

I wish I had answers for the challenges that face us in the classroom on a daily basis. Teachers are truly doing their best on a daily basis and using their voices within their schools, unions, and larger communities in an effort to bring about positive changes for education.

As we return rested and refreshed next week, what is your New Year’s resolution? Does it hit closer to home with keeping your sanity and not breaking your back on a daily basis or is it a more global resolution by using your voice for change? Whether you have a New Year’s resolution or not, I hope teachers across the nation resolve to take care of themselves and continue to meet the needs of their students to the best of their abilities.

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